GL4/6 R&D
Multi-functional NIL machine for R&D
➢Multi-function NIL machine for R&D and small
volume production
➢Easy switch between different NIL configurations,
flxibilities for R&D
➢Functions: High resolution NIL on spin-coated
substrates, Puddle dispensed NIL for Micro
molding processes, NIL on curved or spherical
GL6/8/12 CLIV
High resolution NIL machine for mass production
➢NIL machine equipped with GermanLitho patented
CILV technology for mass production
➢NIL on spin-coated substrates for high resolution
and high aspect ratio nanostructures
➢Automatic working stamp replication, imprinting
and demolding processes, excelent imprint
uniformity over large area
➢Better than 40nm resolution, 10:1 aspectration,
20nm residual layer thickness
NIL machine for microlens array production
➢Mass production NIL machine for micro-molding of
microlens array or diffuser processes
➢Automatic working stamp replication, imprinting
and demolding processes, resist dispense
➢Active control of gap and parallelism between
stamp and substrate, excelent TTV
➢Alignment for wafer stacking processes